Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's start Piah!

I wanna start commenting on Piah. But then I had one of those writer's block. No.
I am just not used to saying bad things about other ppl to tell you the truth. Fine, I do have my own thoughts and judgements about others. But i keep it up there, held air-tight within my cranium.

I don't see ppl, talk bad and feel good.
I see ppl, I think, I berangan, and then I feel good and smile.

Hmm. I personally tak kenal Piah. So I guess that makes it ok if i want to kutuk her. I dont know which post of hers should i cover first? Seems like every word she writes stings (and stinks).

She has just started her comment-moderation-hatred-club blog around early of this month i would guess. tapi dah banyakkk pulak post dia. She must be enjoying herself kan.

Plus all her readers are encouraging her like crazy. i am not surprised tho. They are all low life morons. The type of ppl that would watch Jerry Springer on the cable day in day out. Or even buy the Official Akademi Fantasia's Fanzine every fourthnight or so.

Sorry, i tak cakap moron kat semua yg baca blog dia. i cakap moron kat orang yang baca and leave comments yg encourage budak Piah nih mengumpat. Korang morons.

14 post Piah. I am not gonna cover all 14 posts of yours to date...... I will cover your next post. hehehe:)

So i just dedicate this post for commenting on the sort of person you must be. Or atleast how i imagine you might be. Consider this my first personal attack on you. So i will list down 5 things that fits you! enjoy...


1) You must be moderately ugly
2) You are having problem paying for your car loan
3) The only part of your body that you love is your tongue
4) You speak like as if the world care
5) You have repulsive natural body odour

There you go.....

-You Go Girl Piah!!


Anonymous said...

Am the first to comment.. :)
I dun like Piah, but am glad because of her I am now talking to one of my friend again. I dun like her fans too...

we can't please people.. so just let Piah kutuk2 orang if that is the best she think she can do it, or maybe she was born for it...

God knows best

Anonymous said...

i dun think this will work honey. see. the thing is, piah kutuk but what she said is the truth.

better luck next time.

Anonymous said...

oh well, truth hurts honey. u must be one of the bloggers yg dia kutuk tu kan? let me guess, ru the psychotic plagiarist? LOL

and btw.. i nak betulkan ejaan u.. it's scribble.. not scrible.. u dpt berapa for your SPM's english ni?

Anonymous said...

wei anonymous, dulu I dapat A1 for English tau. Siap dapat best student kat sekolah for English. You tak tau ke? You tak baca ke blog sengal I tu? Sedih I, penat I gebang kat dalam blog.

Aan Andes said...

I think Piah is a guy. But whatever it is, I think his blog is cool haha. Ok maybe not the content but the words and the way he writes. Funny ok. Don't take it personally la. He just being, crazy I think :P

Anonymous said...

u g0tta deal with it.

XRNH said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hahahahhahaha. lawak dowh. aku nk buat blog kutukpengutukpiah.blogspot.com.

Anonymous said...

I think she's not too bad. I just hate the comments; I think they are over the top. I don't think she'll be that long though because she won't have any materials to go around with since most self absorb blog will be privatized. And so will you.

Have fun while you’re at it

Anonymous said...

Finally! Somebody stands up.

FYI, aku bukan salah sorg yg dikutuk oleh pia. Tapi pada aku, sebagai manusia biasa, it is such plain cruel to do such thing.

"Don't take it personally?"
1. There is a very fine line between being funny and being such a bitch.
2. Try to be in those ppl's shoes.
3. It looks like piah and the gang are the ones who are taking those blogs personally. Kalo korang jenis rilek2 je, tak cepat melenting dgn penulisan mereka-mereka yang korang bencikan sangat tu, takde nye korang nak buang masa sebarkan hatred korang kat blogosfera ni.

Seriyesli, korang kenal ke those people personally at the first place? Mungkin ada beberapa kerat. Tapi lah kan, kalo betul la korang kenal dia dan tak puas hati, pi lah confront one-on-one. Tak payah la nak buat blog, pastu mengumpul supporters, pastu carik lagi bahan nak mengutuk dgn mengorek archieve mereka.

Pastu nak carik blog lain utk dijadikan bahan?


Korang sibuk dok mempertikaikan dosa pahala orang lain, yang korang dok mengutuk derang tu, tak dosa jugak ke?

Pasal tu bloggers tegar di blogosphera ni berkali2 bitau kat derang punya Disclaimer, "KALAU TAK SUKE, BOLEH BLAH!" Tapi korang degil jugak, kan?

Tipikal lah, korang ni.
1. Merasakan yang mengutuk orang ni memang sedap.
2. Merasakan korang ni superior/ suci sangat sampaikan berhak menjatuhkan hukum kat orang lain.
3. Tak cukup dgn ko sorang yang benci, nak jugak hasut/ jadi batu api agar orang lain pun benci jugak.

Please, lah, people. Cukuplah dunia luar tu penuh dengan kebencian. Takkan kat sini pun korang nak berperang jugak?

Mungkin kat sini tadak undang-undang nak menyekat hak korang untuk bersuara. Tapi at least please have some mutual respect kat orang lain.

Anonymous said...

nak menjelang senja kot umur piah ni. tak puas hati dengan hidup. tak cantik dan kerja tak seberapa...tak cukup main...tak leh tengok orang senang..dengki sebab hidup dia tak seberapa...sebab tu asyik cari modal nak belasah orang je...orang kalau hidup happy tak buat kerja cam ni..

Anonymous said...

berenti la fitnah org. kalau tak tau sapa penulis dia, jangan tuduh. dosa besar!

Anonymous said...

People, people chill the fuck out. Aku tak paham lah korang ni. Aku pun tak suka si Piah tu tapi kan aku baca juga blog dia sebab aku takut dia kutuk aku. So nak jaga diri sendiri lah kan.

Tapi aku rasa blog ni macam sia-sia jer. Biarkan si Piah tu. Jangan kasi attention sebab tu jer yang dia nakkan. Hidup dia mesti sedih masa kecik-kecik dulu.

Mesti mak bapak dia tak sayang, muke buruk, abang dia sexually harrass dia ke tu yang dia banyak sangat repressed anger skrg. Dia dah cukup pathethic.

Kasi dia attention akan buat dia happi jer. So jangan kasi. Biarkan dia dgn illusions of grandeur dia. Pathethic and delusional, sedih siot.

Ok, skrg aku dah stress giler. Aku nak gi baring dulu.

Anonymous said...

i like piah's blog. at least boleh bg kesedaran pada mereka2 yg tak sedar diri. sendiri mau ingat la beb!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wahai Anon 9:39, niat itu bagus tapi kalau buat cara yang tak betul (memfitnah, memalukan orang dsbg) hukumnya tetap tak betul. Nak kata haram pun boleh.

Anonymous said...

haihh cik plagiaTina,

Boleh tak kau jangan meraban dalam comment box sendiri? Dah kau yang tulis entry tu, lagi nak comment panjang2. Enough is enough la minah, you're not as great as you always thought you were. Live a lie and this is what happens. Maybe its time to start giving real thought to living an honest life? After all, you wouldnt want to pass on these horrible genes of yours to that innocent baby kan? Kasihan la kat dia, dapat mak penipu/perasan/bongkak/kurang ajar/tak sedar diri ..ye tak?

Anonymous said...

hehe. this was sooo not original weih. IMHO, piah's blog is original. granted, it is full of scorn, hell-hath-no-fury type of writing, but hell! IT IS ONE OF THE MOST ORIGINAL BLOGS & AMUSING BLOGS I HAVE EVER READ! haha. (unlike urs lah kan)

sure, she bitches without reason sometimes. i feel kesian a bit lah for those ppl she kutuk, but then, hey...i think she exudes class in picking these certain "individuals" only.

1) ppl who perasan bagus, living in their own shell, totally oblivious that they are bimbos tapi perasan pandai
2) priviliged ppl ie got the money, got the looks, but use it for the wrong ie being sluts, exposing body parts everywhere on blogosphere

i definitely second her cause.i think these ppl need a good whuppin' from piah. lain lah if she picks on nerds yg tak bersalah ke, anak nelayan ke, yatim piatu ke. betul tak guys?

& guess what? i think u r either 1) or 2) kat atas tuh. ;)

Anonymous said...

dgn ini saya declare blog ini blog yg amat lame :-)

Anonymous said...

you're so stupid la. i think piah is a man. the way the words are written sungguh kurang ajar which only men can come up with such things.

tapi aku tetap suka piah yeaahhooo!!

Anonymous said...

1. org bodo je la yg rasakan blog ni nak melawan kehebatan cik piah. memang blog ni tak sepanas cik piah coz takde benda nak digossipkan. Original ataupun tidak, amusing ataupun tidak, that is not the issue. Kewujudan blog ini, pada pendapat aku, hanyalah sebagai simbol. sendrik pikir la.

2. aku kesian kat mereka yang pandai menilai seseorang tu based on their blogs sahaja. Sama seperti sms, sama seperti ym, even dalam surat menyurat pun, people can always conclude the text (and images) they read with whatever they wish they want to. Kalau menyampah tu dah timbul, segala macam dosa akan dikorek. Yang tak ada boleh jadi ada. Yang ada boleh jadi tak ada.

3. certain 'individuals' je pun, still manusia jugak kan? Bimbo? Perasan pandai? Perasan bagus? Everyone has the evil inside them. Cuma bezanya orang2 ni tak pikir panjang dan mendedahkannya di blogosphere.

4. Yang tulis komen panjang-panjang tu bukanlah mereka yang korang benci sangat. Percayalah. Bukan mereka yang kena kutuk dengan Piah je yang meluat dengan caranya.

Anonymous said...

bodoh betul. main tuduh je.
free free buat dosa memfitnah org.

Anonymous said...

nak tanya,

'scrible' tu apa?

Anonymous said...

aku rase ok gak blog ni sbb aku menci bace blog piah..
well skati orgla nk tulis pe kn..
tapi kalo org tu da tutup citer then die bkak blik kn melampau n menyakitkan hati..
but still then, i think you better ignore this kind of person because it is pathetic to be piah i guess..

Anonymous said...

katak said...

- si bmw terpakai
- penah meniduri sheryl
- kedekut
- muka laha
- tinggal ngan kakak
- executive di syarikat minyak antarabangsa
- suka pussy
...semua adalah orang yg sama

dan juga pernah meniduri kuza dan berberapa blogger lain.

Anonymous said...

ey..ape url die..nak tau bley x..

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!